Monday, April 29, 2013

96 - They taste awesome

Good intention but cupcakes are much more tasty looking with some good topping esthetics.

Lesson learned!

94 - Movement

Not what I wanted as a picture, but the idea is there. Have to learn more on speed, practice makes perfect.

 I'll be practicing this for the next little bit.

93 - Colors


92 - Shakespotato

I think this speaks for itself. =)

91 - Angles

Depth, I'm getting better at it.

90 - Depth

 I really enjoy this picture, I'm not very good with depth, so this is a victory!

89 - Static

Like the framing of this picture.

88 - Beautysky

New lens. Love it.

87 - A special gift

So my man surprised me with a special recognition for finishing my first photography class, he bought me a sweet new lens, the Pentax SMC-DA 40mm f/2.8 Limited.

This is my first shot with it. The sharpness is really impressive. It'll force me to adapt to my environment, which is a great way to learn even more.

So lucky to have him.

86 - TriCookie

So. much. awesomeness. That tuque is the best bit of knitting ever.  That cookie is ridiculously life like.

Special thanks to Lindsay for this amazing gift!

85 - Free city nights

So, I went to try and take a sweet picture of downtown Montreal with my newish tripod... and forgot the piece that attached the camera to the tripod. This is the best I could do with free hands.

84 - Winter line up

Tasting at Brouhaha, with all the beers of Le Naufrageur, a Gaspesienne brewery.