Tuesday, June 18, 2013

120 to 144 - May just flew by...

24 pictures for a 31 day month. It was a tough month. I feel disappointed in myself but at the same time, I did so much that was new this month. So, hey, I'm still at it and it ain't perfect. I can live with that!

99 - 119 - Closing out April

Since I have trouble being timely and posting as I wish I could, with tons of details and descriptions, I'll at least put up the pictures. :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

98 - Silhouette

Interesting concept, not so good execution.

95 - Encouragements

Sometimes, you need some loving in the 40 hours I spend in my life, almost exclusively in front of a computer. Oh... And some discs and ninjas!

97 - UltiWomen

This says a lot  about Ultimate in Montreal. 140 ladies for tryouts. Epic!

Monday, April 29, 2013

96 - They taste awesome

Good intention but cupcakes are much more tasty looking with some good topping esthetics.

Lesson learned!

94 - Movement

Not what I wanted as a picture, but the idea is there. Have to learn more on speed, practice makes perfect.

 I'll be practicing this for the next little bit.